Willows Lodge in Woodinville, WA

Willows Lodge in Woodinville, WA as photographed by Seattle Wedding Photographer Cory Parris.
This is, obviously, the front entry sign.
Inside the bride’s room
The dress hanging in the window of the bride’s room.
I loved these flower balls for decorating the altar area.
Cool table centerpieces.
The outdoor wedding area with the Hebfarm’s flower and herb gardens as the backdrop.
The wedding.
The opposite view looking at the wedding from the gardens
Willows always has great food.
The rain started soon after the ceremony, but we ran out later for a quick tour of the grounds.
A tea ceremony on the dancefloor during the reception.
First dance.
Night view from the gardens.
You can see more of Wendy and Matt’s photostory by clicking here!