Woodmark Hotel in Kirkland

by Seattle Wedding Photographer Cory Parris
The Woodmark Hotel in Kirkland sits right on Lake Washington and has beautiful views. It has a tent right next to the lake where they have the weddings, making for beautiful summer evening weddings with the sides open and beautiful view during dinner.
This is one of the lakeside conference rooms that was provided for the guys to get ready in.
This image of the guys shows the shoreline, the marina and the hotel in the background. The best man only got mildly damp.
I just liked this one.
The dress hanging in the hotel room.
The tent and the views of the lake for the guests.
The bride on the dock.
Just inside the tent area are the ballrooms, the bar and this beautiful staircase to the lobby.
You can see the bride and a bridesmaid on the deck of the lakeview room.
Another view of the wedding area inside the tent.
I loved this boat that went by. Gorgeous.
Some night portraits after the ceremony.
Looking back at the hotel and Carilon Point.
The tent at dinner time.
Dad giving a toast.
The scene taken in near complete darkness.
First dance.
The ballroom.